Sunday, June 26, 2011

lord of rings wallpaper

images desktop wallpaper:Lord of lord of rings wallpaper. Aragorn - Lord of the Rings
  • Aragorn - Lord of the Rings

  • immilaw
    09-17 11:07 AM

    I am a F1 student and am on OPT now. I got my H1B visa approved from Oct-1 2006 to Sep-30 2009.

    But my school said I cannot get my degree certificate till December 2006.
    My question is when I apply for my Green card will I be considered into EB2 list or EB3 list. On what basis will this be decided.

    Please suggest.

    Thank you,

    There are two requirements of EB-2. First is the minimum requirements of the Job and the second is the degree that you have earned BEFORE you joined the job.

    So if the minimum requirement of the job is M.S. degree and you also had earned a M.S. degree before you joined the job then it will be EB-2. Remember, the US CIS & DOL consided goes by the date appearing on your diploma as the graduating date. No amount of letters from the dean or your supervisor will convince then that you earned your degree on a date before the date that appears on your diploma.

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  • luncheSpecials
    03-14 09:57 AM
    let them work .. now EB2 is current.. we all will get GC slowly

    lord of rings wallpaper. The Lord of the Rings:
  • The Lord of the Rings:

  • reno_john
    06-20 05:19 PM
    Sam is rite, Leave it blank , USCIS will check the system and fill it. I have seen few cases in this forum where applicant wrote a A# and when they received the receipt it was different, SO leave blank there is no harm.

    Even my attorney left it blank even though I have my I-140 approved before filing my I-485

    2011 TechArena Photo Gallery lord of rings wallpaper. The Ring - Lord of the Rings
  • The Ring - Lord of the Rings

  • DDD
    11-07 03:58 PM
    Instead of a ps7 section...I think we could do a imaging section or something generic....Because I know some cool tricks with fireworks mx and PSP7........Do people still use paint shop pro....I know i do

    Oh mdipi if you use this technique....I would blur the image allot higher than you did in your example....Because I can tell it is a sunset.....unless that is what you wanted. It works better when u cannot tell what it was.:cowboy:


    lord of rings wallpaper. Credit:
  • Credit:

  • chintu25
    01-15 11:01 PM


    lord of rings wallpaper. Witch King - Lord of the Rings
  • Witch King - Lord of the Rings

  • Mak Valley
    01-29 01:15 AM
    swarm all the way


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  • lord of the rings picture and

  • sanju
    11-09 12:17 AM
    Did someone say beer? If you guys will bring in chips and salsa, I will get beer. Let me know if you decide for 7ish on Friday. Will be there.


    2010 The Lord of the Rings: lord of rings wallpaper. desktop wallpaper:Lord of
  • desktop wallpaper:Lord of

  • sripk
    05-17 07:49 PM
    I have a question though. If your new Job duties are 50% different then won't it affect your pending i485 application as AC21 requires new job to be same or similar to keep I485 valid? Also, Any new job will be similar and wondering if switching to a different company will help in this case? Will they be able to file a new EB2 PERM LC for me or will i get same response that i got from present company?


    lord of rings wallpaper. lord of the rings wallpaper,
  • lord of the rings wallpaper,

  • Lisap
    08-27 05:27 PM
    Hello all,

    My attorney filed my original 485 on June 28th at NSC. My PD is July 06. I didnt realize this until mid Aug. My attorney filed a second application on Aug 15th. I did a stop payment on the original checks as advised by my attorney. This afternoon I received receipts from the original filing with a receipt date of July 2nd. I cannot reverse the stop payment- I just called the bank. Will my application be rejected now because of the checks or should I send new checks with the receipt number and a note stating what happened? Or should I just wait for recepits for the 2nd application? Thank you.

    hair The Ring - Lord of the Rings lord of rings wallpaper. 2003 The Lord of the Rings:
  • 2003 The Lord of the Rings:

  • Steven-T
    February 23rd, 2004, 07:33 AM
    So close, So close
    Scott, here's goes the B&H 10 rated used 10D and 1Ds again. Why B&H have to sell this at such a premium of $6,030 above that of Adorama's $5,200? Are they supposed to be married couples, or, at least civil union?



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  • lord of rings tattoos.

  • Green.Tech
    08-03 05:15 PM
    As per my attorney, the first case is correct.

    hot Credit: lord of rings wallpaper. The Lord of the Rings
  • The Lord of the Rings

  • gimme_gc_asap
    06-19 10:55 PM
    Be cool my babies....
    Be nice to the guy
    It may or may not. No one knows. Dont act like you know it all!!


    house Lord of the Rings: The Two lord of rings wallpaper. Lord of the Rings Wallpaper
  • Lord of the Rings Wallpaper

  • senram
    01-04 12:22 AM
    It is possible that India might take this to WTO. But that is a long shot and by the time result comes it will be 2 years or more and law itself is irrelevant.

    It's all gas gas gas... Manmohan Singh is heading one of the most corrupt & messy govt. in the history of India. All the ministers are busy looting the country and would like to make most in the remaining 3 years of their terms. Forget they will do anything that would benefit anybody else but's only that overexcited journos ask the ministers what they will do and without even thinking they vomit nonsenses. Think logically how this can be a WTO issue, it is completely in their jurisdiction whatever fees they may want to charge, take it or move on...nobody is forcing them to use the expensive Visas ?

    tattoo Witch King - Lord of the Rings lord of rings wallpaper. Lord of the Rings:
  • Lord of the Rings:

  • kshitijnt
    11-12 08:49 PM
    Just a thought.... Don't waste your time with dishonest employers. I have wasted 2 years on my previous employer. I would have my PD 2001. My friend wasted 3 years. Now and me and my friend work for different companies, with very good relationship, having no problem interacting with lawyers or having our employers sign any paper CIS might ask. I had victim mentality until I realized that it's a market economy. You sell, your employer buys. If you don't like to deal with him, start looking for another "buyer". Don't rush. Find a good job, transfer your H1, and start everything afresh - I know it's hard, but that's a way to go. Don't be stuck to your employer for 5 years and later cry "my employer didn't want to apply for I-140, didn't give me latter for I-485", "my lawyer didn't respond to RFE, now I'm in trouble", etc. etc. CIS/DOL will give you enough headache even without employer's "assistance".

    And, btw, I have waited 9 months for my PERM to be approved. No RFE, no nothing - just 9 freaking months.

    I fully agree. Its a market economy. Everything depends on demand and supply, your SKILLS and value to the employer.


    pictures lord of the rings picture and lord of rings wallpaper. Sauron - Lord of the Rings
  • Sauron - Lord of the Rings

  • bharad
    01-06 03:15 PM

    dresses The Lord of the Rings lord of rings wallpaper. Lord Of Rings Wallpaper
  • Lord Of Rings Wallpaper

  • Googler
    02-14 04:24 PM
    "Based on a review of the facts and bedrock principles of administrative agency law, the Court finds that USCIS�s name check requirement has
    (1) never been authorized by Congress;
    (2) is not mentioned or contemplated by any fair reading of the current USCIS regulations; and
    (3) may not, without USCIS initiating notice and comment procedures, be used to delay action on Plaintiffs petitions..."

    What a fabulous ruling this is.

    One question for Lazycis:

    # (3) actually reads "(3) may not, without USCIS initiating notice and comment procedures, be used to delay action on Plaintiffs petitions for naturalization, particularly because Plaintiffs have already undergone a name check in order to achieve LPR status and will clear the �fingerprint check� described in the Memorandum of January 25, 2008.10 The fingerprint check will show whether an LPR who is applying for naturalization has had any contact with the criminal justice system that would warrant denial of the petition."

    As far as I can tell even (1) and (2) only apply to Naturalization applicants.

    So the question of the hour is: are (1) and (2) true for AOS cases? I am asking this question because to argue a case for compelling recapture you need an AOS version of Baylson's ruling + the Galvez-Howerton decision ( Only then can you say that there was affirmative misconduct in 2003 and hence compel recapture.


    makeup lord of the rings wallpaper, lord of rings wallpaper. Lord of the Rings: The Two
  • Lord of the Rings: The Two

  • lahiribaba
    02-11 02:45 AM
    actually our situation is similar to a bunch of people sitting under a mango tree ..the green mangoes on the tree represent the green card.
    those waiting for the mango are standing on a uncertain muddy ground and few will sink in the sand (due to job losses).
    we have some robbers (labor substitutions) who climb the tree, steal the mangoes and run away.
    the natives (only the anti-immigrants) want to cut down the tree so that no immigrant gets a mango
    a majority or us who are waiting patiently are the law abiding ...but we wait for the mango to fall on our head rather than doing something to make the mango fall ..while waiting we fight and discuss silly issues (whether we should buy a house - how to get our maid on visa :)).
    some of us while our status was on quick sand - went ahead and built a house thinking that GC would follow
    now if only all of us were to come up with an effective plan and shake the tree or throw tons of stones on the tree ..then maybe everyone would get a mango sooner.
    I have one such idea (this does not cost much money) ..let us all go and meet realtors / home brokers etc genuine interest in buying a house but after few days tell the realtor that since GC has been delayed ..u are cancelling your interest in home buying.
    those who are homeowners already (with more at stake) ..should contact lawmakers that because of gc delays ...your house is at risk.
    WARNING ...before attacking this idea ..come up with a better one

    and then there was the big earthquake that swallowed the village and the beggars sitting under the one lone mango tree...

    girlfriend Lord of the Rings: lord of rings wallpaper. Poster The lord of the rings:
  • Poster The lord of the rings:

  • indyanguy
    10-22 11:43 AM
    My Labour was For EB-3 and my I-140 was filled in EB2
    One of my Colleague also had same case but he got query on his
    I-140 and mine got denied

    I have a question
    Now I will have to file new labour and I-140 can
    Will I loose my old priority dates

    How can the labor be filed under EB3 and the 140 under EB2? Is this possible only if Labor mentioned BS + 5 (or MS) as the requirement even though it was filed under EB3?

    Anyone care to throw some light on this?

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  • The Lord of the Rings

  • vallabhu
    04-26 02:17 PM
    I guess we would have , as we are not leaving but chose to live with the problems.

    06-22 02:54 AM
    Labor process through PERM can take anywhere from 3 weeks to more than a year (after filing). Most time consuming part is (if you are just initaing the process with your employer) the pre-filing documentation.

    If you have a masters or better, and your current job does not REQUIRE a Masters degree, then you might want to ask HR to change/tweak your job profile. If thats an option and they are willing to do it, might take some time, but in the longer run, you will be better off under EB2 than EB3.

    You will need letters from all your previous employers, verifying the job discription

    Once that is in hand, your company will have to post your job in a newspaper/internal company website/job board and also in a visible place in your company premises for a month (X + 30 days)

    After that 30 day period, you wait for any responses for an addidtional 30 days (X+60 days)

    After that, your company/HR/Lawyer would need some time to put everything together before filing (X + 70 days)

    Bear in mind this is the best case scenario. I started the process in December mid...filed for Labor in 1st week of June.
    On your second point (dates being current), Iam very doubtfull that by the time Iam ready to file for 140/485, the dates will be current.

    And ofcourse, if this ain't too daunting, THE CIR might put a wrench in your best laid plans, There is a talk about May 15th being the deadline for this process, untill Oct-08 when the new point system comes into play...good luck

    Thanks for your response. You have got your Labor approved but don't you think that u can file I140 and 485 concurrently by end of July? Where do think that ur filing is going to get delayed?

    08-23 10:59 AM
    please continue to send mails to your local lawmakers regarding Skil Bill. Use the webfax too at

    There are orgnizations that are opposed to this bill and are stronger than us. Only consistant efforts to make our voices heard would produce favorable results. We need letters comming from all members to these lawmakers so that when we lobby, these lawmakers already know that there are a lot of people who want this done and there is a broadsupport for such reforms.
    FYI Numbersusa have been sending messages against this bill--
    Please do write your own mail to your local senator and congressman to communicate the problems faced by us.
    The useful information is available here--
    Here is a list of congress members
    Please tell your friends too.

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